Wag The Dog FM

Communicating Science and Complexity

The Higgs Boson particle, dark matter, computational biology and artificial intelligence…

Our two guests – our first double interview – on this episode of Wag The Dog are both specialists in what I would call CSC or “complex science communications”…

We’ll be talking about the importance of storytelling, demystifying versus simplifying and stakeholder relations.


Please join me as I interview:

James GilliesJames Gillies who began his career at CERN as a research physicist in the 1980s, joining the laboratory’s communication team in 1995. He has been Head of Communication there since 2003.

Chris SciaccaChris Sciacca, the European Communications manager for IBM Research. He joined IBM in 2001 and has worked in New York, Czech Republic, Austria and now Switzerland at the IBM Rüschlikon Research & Development facility in Zurich.

James, Chris and I had not spoken for years and this was really a good meet up around a big challenge in our industry; communicating the complex.

Glad we did this and hope you enjoyed the show.

If you have feedback, questions, remarks or anything else, please let me know via the audio mailbox of Wag The Dog FM.

Podcast Notes from this episode of Wag The Dog:

The post Communicating Science and Complexity – An interview with James Gillies & Chris Sciacca appeared first on Online PR Training.


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